Ways We Help
Improving access to technology

It is vital to increase access to the latest technology to prepare students to pursue advanced education and employment opportunities.
Awarding classroom grants

We have awarded over thousands of dollars in classroom grants to promote learning, citizenship, job skills and creativity. Grants awarded have helped purchase items such as musical instruments, reading and math curricula for several grades, geocaching equipment, fiction books and nonfiction text books, e-Reader and iPad programs, flip video cameras to record oral histories, items for culture-centered activities, items for a Sensory Room, funding to provide orientation and mobility training for the visually impaired and professional development.
Supporting Fine Arts

In 2011, we partnered with the Maryville R-II School District to explore the addition of a new fine arts facility for musical and theatrical performances, school assemblies and other activities. We are happy to announce the Fine Arts Facility is currently under construction and will be completed soon!
Improving athletic facilities

We want to install air conditioning in the high school gymnasium and multipurpose building to make summer workouts and games safer for athletes, staff and fans; to enlarge locker rooms; and to make improvements to the stadium to enhance football, soccer and band programs.